Friday, January 29, 2016


You don't need to be spiritual, or New Age-ee, in order to take a break from it ALL and look intimately within. 

Being happy doesn't mean everything in your life is perfect. It means you allow happiness to live and fester in your heart. 

Have enough love and care for yourself, to consciously CHOOSE to distance yourself from anything that no longer serves you, contributes to your growth or, makes you happy. 

Your happiness is what counts most, because, if you don't choose to be happy, no one can make you happy.

Take a few moments to write down one positive, specific statement that will help you overcome any negative thoughts that may enter your mind. 

It will help you visualize and believe in what you're affirming to yourself; Happiness is my natural state of being 😃

As long as your heart is pure..

You can be in peace 
You can love
You can find yourself
You can be authentic
You can accomplish anything
You can share your gifts 

You can live fully and happily, you can finally breathe freely. 

Love & Blessings 
Yours Estee 💟

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