Monday, May 9, 2016


Recently my sister in-law lost her beloved dog. Anyone who is a dog lover can empathize and understand the grief she went through as a result. "He was like a child to me ..." She quietly said.

Fast forward a few days later, we were sitting out on the patio while my husband was holding our dog Tiny on his lap, an adorable chihuahua. He was playfully blowing air on his face and showering him with love. 

I thought to myself what a heartwarming sight, so endearing. We're lucky to have three dogs who bring us so much joy. Then, my sister in-law and her dog came to mind and fear began creeping inside me. 

I welled up with emotion thinking how devastated I would become upon the passing of our dogs.

As soon as I noticed where my thoughts were going, I said to myself; Why think about death? 
Our dogs are perfectly fine NOW, why worry about the future? 

Throughout my life's journey the more self-aware I became, the less I experienced prolonged times of discomfort. I've learned to control myself. 

What I have learned, is that at any given moment I have a choice to make; I can either connect to the force of life or to the darkness of death. 

When I allow myself to wallow in bitterness, hatred, sadness or any kind of negativity, I die a little. 

"When we remain in negativity for too long, we go through a process of slow agonizing death, until something forces us to come out of it. If not, we eventually wither away ..."

When I choose life, fear can be defeated while searching for and finding the good, the Light that exists in each trial or person who happens to across my path.

When I choose life, I fill my heart with love and happiness. I focus on what I'm grateful for, then peace settles in and Heaven becomes my sanctity.  

Thankfully, once again I won the preverbal battle between good and bad because I refuse to allow the Grim Reaper free access to my soul; he will not rob me from my inner light.

What strategy do you use to overcome adversity or situations beyond your control?  

Please feel free to share your thoughts and feelings. 

With love 
Estee 💟

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