Friday, June 17, 2016

Challenge Accepted

"A righteous man falls down seven times and gets up." – King Solomon, Proverbs, 24:16.

When a challenge appears in your life how do you relate to it? What meaning do you give it? Do you see it as a call to engage in a fight or as message from God or the universe urging you to achieve a more favorable outcome in your life? 

We often see challenges as conditions that are beyond our ability to deal with, a barrier we cannot overcome. 

How can we handle our difficulties more effectively? We adopt a new mindset. It is our mental attitude that determines how we will interpret and respond to situations.

We cannot always change the circumstances in our lives, but we can certainly change how we think about them. 

What if a challenge is a lesson enabling you to acquire new knowledge you didn't have beforehand? 

Challenges help us to go beyond what we perceive to be unattainable and push us to become more successful in our endeavors. They sharpen our minds, build the faith in ourselves, and show us how talented we truly are. 

A challenge is an opportunity for advancement, it leads us to a higher place, an uncharted territory for us to conquer. Why? So you can acquire newfound knowledge from the challenge in itself, gain the tools you need to grow, and become a better person. This knowledge doesn't function as the only tool for obtaining information, it is a way to declare the completion of a task. 

If you think about challenges as tools at your disposal for your own good, and not as a punishment caused by your wrongdoings, you will be able to see your challenges as a blessing and not as a curse. 

Seek clarity, write down all the possible options and resources you have. This will help you identify and focus on the next step you must take in order to move forward. 

Once you change your approach and embrace your challenges rather than allowing them to control you or hinder your progress, everything will begin to flow in the direction you desire.

With love 
Estee 💟

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