Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Time has sharpened my vision and I am no longer the same woman .. I'm no longer that little girl who sees herself so tiny and insignificant. I am no longer subjected to environmental influences: I already know my value and worth. I know what things I must work on and improve. I know what else I want to achieve, and how much more I can positively impact people around me. It is never too late to want to be even better, improve yourself and help others as much as I can. Life is full of upheavals and changes, and the secret? The secret is to just "get on with life"- become fluid, and realize that everything EVERYTHING happens for the best .. Not to worry too much, find the positive in everything. Laugh more, do more, love more... And most importantly, is to always be happy for the gift - the gift of life.. Like, Comment, Share Thank YOU!

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