Sunday, July 27, 2014

How much appreciation and gratitude do you have for your life?

Today is my fourth day of the 5-day "gratitude experience".

I would like to invite you all to participate in this project of gratitude, it will make you appreciate all the good that is already in your life๐ŸŒŸand improve the way you view yourself and your life ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

I am grateful for:

1) Our puppy family - no matter what, they are always happy and ready to give love - wagging their tails happily. They never judge me - they do not care what mood I am in and always greet me with enthusiasm, welcoming me back each time I come home. 

They have added so much to our lives, and we are all grateful for having them as part of our family. Dogs are  surely man's 
best friend ❤️

2) Improving my ability to communicate and express myself more clearly, thereby minimizing "mistakes"- many times I stop my self from instant reactions... 

3) My unquestionable faith in a Higher Power, connecting to It, and receiving the energy to heal myself and others.  (many times to my own wonder... )  

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